Monday, May 8, 2017

Ant Hills!

This morning we didn't have regular journals. Instead, we worked on finishing our writing from Fresh Air Friday.  We had quite a lot of time so most of us were able to finish on-time. A few of us had trouble getting started this morning and needed extra time. Ask me how my work went this morning.

Today we found some huge ant hills in the Whispering Woods.  One of the ant hills was bigger than the other and it was full of ants that had red heads. Some of us think they might be fire ants, some of us think they army ants, and some of us think they might be bulldog ants, and some of us think they might be wood ants. We will need to do some more research to find out. Luckily we will be studying insects soon and we will be able to take some more time to do this research.

We are bringing home 3 notices today. The most important one is forms for our swimming program! Please note that the fees for swimming must be paid on-line via your "my CBE account". We will also need volunteers to help us each day of swimming. Dad's are especially helpful as we need a male supervisor in the boys change room. 

Tomorrow the helper is: Max