Tuesday, May 16, 2017

What a Busy Day!

Today was a very busy day in Room 2. We started the morning by working on our dioramas while Ms. Boyer took the Arctic group to learn their parts for the assembly. Please keep working to get your lines memorized! Only a few more days until the show!

After that we finished creating the scenes and props for the show. We were very busy painting and we got all the pieces ready to go. Sorry if some of us are coming home with a bit of extra colour on our clothes! The paint is washable and should come out with a soak in soapy water and then a trip in the washing machine.

After lunch we had a chance to go to the book fair and buy some books. We were also invited to buy book marks that were made by the Me to We club. After the book fair we went to the gym and learned more of our dance for the assembly. Ms. Boyer said we were such good dancers that she was able to add some more exciting moves! Then we went outside for some free gym time until it was our turn for music. In music we practiced our songs for the assembly and sang Kookaburra. It is an old Australian song that we are learning.

Please remember that tomorrow is our library day.

Our helper tomorrow is: Anjalika