For science we learned about the next experiment we will be conducting Fooling Your Senses.
We will be placing one hand in hot water and the other hand in cold water. After 30 seconds, we will be placing both hand in lukewarm water. In preparation for our experiment, we made predictions about what will happen to our hands when we place it in the lukewarm water. We had many different predictions in the class about what would happen:
- both hands will feel warm
- the hand from the hot water will feel hotter, the hand from the cold water will feel warmer
- the hand from the hot water will feel cold, the hand from the cold water will feel warm
- the hand from the hot water will still feel hot, the hand from the cold water will feel tingly
- there will be no change in feeling - the hand from the hot water will still feel hot, the hand from the cold water will still feel cold
- the hand from the hot water will still feel hot, the hand from the cold water will feel tingly
- the hand from the hot water will feel the same, but the one from the cold water will feel numb
We are excited to find out which prediction will be correct!
For computers we spent time on Mathletics - many of us forgot our login ID and PWs so we all received new log-in cards and are bringing them home so that we can use Mathletics for additional math practice at home. If you log in and look under the "Learn" tab, available lessons shall appear.
For grade 2 students, it is great practice to finish Counting by 2, 5, 10.

For grade1 students, it is great practice to finish Numbers to 100.

In gym we played toilet tag and then played round of Hoop Rock-Paper-Sissors.
1. Special helper for next Monday is Joachim - please prepare to share about your special talent
2. No school tomorrow :)