Wednesday, May 1, 2019

May 1

  • Math: we learned a new math game that puts our addition and subtractions skills to work - it's called Salute! Ask us how to play it and try it at home!
  • Social Studies: We had a lot of time today to work on all of the Arctic Collection pages in our paper-bag books.
  • Word Work: grade 1s worked on op-family words and the grade 2s applied their knowledge of nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs in creating Zoo Mad Libs!
  • Gym: We played the cooperative frisbee game again of "Capture the Frisbee" - we started with 4 small teams then tried 2 large teams!

1. Special Helper for tomorrow is: Josie (favorite game)
2. The in-school field trip about Acadia, by Teacher's Pet Educational Services, is tomorrow from 9am to 11am.
3. Bring library books for tomorrow