Wednesday, May 22, 2019

May 22 - Glenbow Field Trip Day

Today we went on a field trip to the Glenbow Museum!

Blackfoot elder, Sheldon, took us through the part of the museum with Blackfoot artifacts. 
We started with drawing shapes that represented different symbols and meanings.

We went on a scavenger hunt for different symbols in the museum.
Elder Sheldon also told us stories.

Finally we learned how to use Blackfoot symbols to create words.

After lunch, we checked out the Inuit corner ("blue corner"):

We tried playing the stick and bone game that taught you skills such as: hand-eye-coordination, precision, and patience. These skills can be useful for hunting. 

We also looked at authentic Inuit artifacts...

 This is for catching birds
We thought it was sooooo cool

 This was used for pounding blubber

This one is used to build fire

This was used to cut ice

1. Tomorrow is Fun Lunch!
2. Special Helper for tomorrow will be Enxin
3. Remember to bring library books that need to be returned tomorrow