Tuesday, May 21, 2019

May 21

  • After journal writing we learned about editing a journal entry by adding more juicy adjectives or descriptions and details (no more three word sentences). We will be editing our work on Thursday.
  • Math: in room 1 and the portables students created a doubles addition flip-book. Students added symbols to represent each sum. In room 2, we continued on with our word with re-grouping the ones into the tens by using 2-digit addition sentences.
  • Gym: we started our fitness unit today. We began the workouts with a warm-up: running and "gluteus maximus"-kicks
    • for the fitness centers we did: sit-ups, step-ups, hopping in hoops, squats with bench support, v-sit, jumping jacks
    • we also learned some stretches for our arms and legs

1. Special Helper for Monday is: Joachim  (favorite game)
2. Tomorrow is our field trip to the Glenbow Museum field trip - we leave the school at 9am so please try to not be late :)