Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Happy New Year!

Welcome Back!

Today we started with Journals and had a chance to share about our holidays. We found out that some of us went to warm places, some of us did outside sports like skiing and snowboarding, and some of us cuddled up at home and watched movies. We also talked about the idea of making New Years Resolutions. Some of us had already decided on some resolutions and some of us are still thinking about it. Ms. Boyer shared her resolution with us. Ask me what she is trying to do!

After recess we finished up our counting by 2's games. These games are really helping some of us improve our counting by 2's skills and now we are trying to see if we can recite the pattern without looking at our cards. Ask me to try this at home!

This afternoon we talked about Inuit tools. Dhvani, Anjalika, and Ashton had done research about tools at home and shared their learning with us. Anjalika taught us about the Kakivak. Dhvani taught us about the Harpoon, and Ashton taught us about the Ulu. We also read an arctic story and found more tools in the book. We found Caribou Bone Needles, and Hunting Spears.
Home Challenge: Can you find another Inuit tool? If you can, please bring a picture to school and write down the materials it is made from and how it is used. 

After that we had gym and music. We played some tag games in gym as a way to refresh our memories about the gym safety rules after our long break. In music, we learned a dance called the Chan Mali Chan. Ask me to perform it for you! Ms. Stephure also told us that we are going to be doing a play! Ms. Stephure gave us each an animal and a problem that will happen in our play. 

On Friday we are planning to make an ice village. To make the ice village each of us will need to bring a container from home. This should be a container that doesn't need to be returned and that can be filled with water. It also has to have a large opening so that the ice can be turned out once it is frozen. 

Tomorrow our helper is: Addison