Our first activity today was: Spark Trek
We went behind the scenes at Telus Spark to learn how the building was heated and cooled and how water was used in the building. It was a bit chilly behind the scenes but we learned that the building is heated by pipes that carry hot water and glycol under the floor and past big fans that make the air warmer for the building.
Our second activity was: Boating and Floating.
We tested some different materials and then each group was assigned a different type of boat to build. We built catamarans, cargo ships, sailboats, tugboats, and barges. We learned that boats float because they have air inside them. Once we had made our boats we got to take them down to the earth and sky exhibit and test them in the river!

Trip highlights:
Anjalika, Abdul Ahad, Ibrahim, Peter and Lily really liked playing at the creative kids museum.
Levi, Shawn and Jessica liked trying out the bed of nails.
Reid liked drinking from the toilet.
Evelyn enjoyed the craft center.
Ezra and Bilal enjoyed getting to use the lathe.
Sarah and Morgan really liked making the boats.
Ashton liked learning about static electricity.
Tessa liked the water exhibit.
Jasper liked the big jenga blocks.
Dhvani and Max liked playing in the theatre.
Addison liked making sculptures with the hot glue guns.
Katie liked the exhibit where she got to take electronics apart.