Monday, January 9, 2017

Hurry Hard!!!

This morning we had a special guest who came to teach us how to curl. In curling we did a sweeping relay race and then we used special floor curling rocks that are on wheels to play a game. We learned that in order to throw the rocks properly you go into a lunge position and then curl with your dominant hand. We split up into two teams and took turns throwing the rocks towards the house. The two teams were red and blue. Each team was trying to get their rocks closest to the button. The team that got the closest to the button got a point. The blue team won both games.

We had to have indoor recesses today because it was too cold. Please make sure you are prepared for outdoor recesses this week in case things warm up enough. We will go outside as long as it is above -20C.

After recess we had our computer time. We worked on Mathletics and while we were working Ms. Boyer came around to check our counting by 2's skills. The grade 1's had to count the even pattern and the grade 2's had to do both the even pattern and the odd pattern.

After lunch today we started with a thermometer game. We talked about different places and their temperatures and placed them on a giant thermometer. We found out that our bodies are 37C, water freezes at 0C and water boils at 100C. We also found out that it is -450C on Pluto and 15,000,000C in the centre of the sun!
Home Challenge: Can you find out the temperature of other things or places? If so, please write them on a card and bring them to school. We will add them to our giant thermometer! 

Then, we moved on to our ice village project. We added the next colour to our ice village containers and then we did an observation of what we saw. Bilal noticed that the middle of his ice was yellow and purple and the outside edge was light purple. Lots of us also noticed that our colours got lighter on the edges and darker in the middle. We also noticed that the water expanded when it froze and changed the shape of some of our containers.

Our helper tomorrow is: Dhvani