After centers and guided reading we worked to finish our Whispering Woods books. Today we had to glue our writing on to the correct pages so that the book makes sense. Some of us are all finished and are ready to share our books. We will be keeping the books at school to share with our big buddies and then we will get to bring them home.
Today we had another indoor recess. The weather is looking much better for tomorrow so hopefully this was our last indoor recess for the week.
After recess the grade 1's had some extra time to finish up our first page in our ice village books while the grade 2's did their wordwork. Then, we started working on a counting by 5's game in math. The game is the same as the game we made for counting by 2's but now we are working on counting by 5's. When we are finished this project we will each have a ring of game cards that will help us practice counting by 2's, 5's, and 10's. Most of us found counting by 5's easier than counting by 2's!
After lunch we got to finally make the ice village. All our containers were frozen and were ready to tip over. Lots of the containers and split open because when the water froze it expanded. Anjalika told us that she had learned about this at home when her sister put a full water bottle in the freezer and it cracked. In order to get some of the ice sculptures to come out of their containers we had to dip them in hot water. This made the edges of the sculpture melt and allowed them to slide out of their container. Once we were sure our sculptures would pop out we took them to the far edge of the nature ground and tipped them out to make a village. Some of us have already started naming the buildings after places in Calgary. Can you figure out which one is the Calgary Tower? How about the Saddledome? We will be observing our village over the next few weeks to see what impact the environment and temperature will have on our buildings.

When we were finished it was time for gym. We are learning about volleyball for the next few weeks. So far we have practiced overhead throws, bumps, and even tried a little serving!
Thank you to those class friends who completed yesterday's home challenge! A few more friends wanted to give it a try tonight so we will keep the challenge going for one more night. In case you forget, here it is:
Home Challenge: Can you find out the temperature of other things or places? If so, please write them on a card and bring them to school. We will add them to our giant thermometer!
Our helper tomorrow is: Max