Today was another great Fresh Air Friday!
We started the morning by setting up a quick science experiment. Our topic was fresh water vs. salt water.
Our Question: What will happen when we put salt water and fresh water outside in the cold? Will they look the same when we bring them back in or will they be different?
Our Procedure:
We filled two small containers with water. We added salt to one container and stirred it until the salt dissolved. Then we put the containers outside for a few hours.
Our Predictions:

After we had the experiment set up we went to see our big buddies. We each had a chance to share our Whispering Woods books. It was exciting to have an audience for all of our hard work. After we had shared them we put them in our backpacks to bring home. Please check backpacks for our books!
After big buddies it was time to go snowshoeing. We learned about snowshoes when we talked about traditional types of Inuit transportation so it was exciting to see them in real life and to get to try them out! The snowshoes we used were different from Inuit snowshoes because ours were made from metal and plastic. Traditional Inuit snowshoes were made from driftwoods, bones, and animal hides. We learned that snowshoes work by spreading your weight out so that you don't sink into the snow as much. Our grade 6 friends came outside with us to help us put on the snowshoes and to teach us what to do. It was so great to have such good coaches!
After snowshoeing we had our snacks and worked to finish our writing from yesterday's science experiment. Then, we got to have some hot chocolate! After we were finished our writing and our hot chocolate we brought in our two cups of water from outside and made observations about what had happened.
Our Observations and Understandings

Have a great weekend!
Our helper on Monday is: Lily