This morning we started by drawing pictures of ourselves as the beginning of our first journal entries of the year. Here are a few examples of our great detailed drawing!!

After that we played a game to help us get to know our new classmates. In the game we had a chance to walk around the room while music was playing and then when the music stopped we had to find a dot to stand on with a partner. Then Mrs. Hamby read out something we needed to share with our partner. Some of the things we shared were: our names, our favourite ice cream flavours, our favourite sports, our favourite colours etc. Each time the music stopped we had to try to be on a dot with a different partner so that we had a chance to share with lots of different classmates.
After that it was time for recess. **Parent note: A few of our grade 1's weren't quite sure what parts of our lunch we should eat for snack and what parts we should save. If you could point that out for tomorrow it would make recess decisions a little bit easier**
After recess we had some book time with a friend, a story, and then we worked on starting to add some writing to go with our journal pictures. We brainstormed categories we might use when we write about ourselves like our name, age, favourite things, our families, and our pet. Once we had the categories the grade 2's went to try to write their sentences by themselves. The grade 1's stayed with Ms. Boyer and we came up with some sentences together that we can copy. We didn't have enough time to finish this writing so we will work on it again tomorrow.
This afternoon we made name tags to go at our coat hooks and then we had gym. For today we had a chance to do free choice during gym so we could visit with some of our friends in Mrs. Armour's class. Then we had music. It was great to see Mr. O'Reilly!
What a busy first day!!