This is a reminder that the Welcome Back Bbq will take place on Thursday, September 13th, from 5pm - 7pm. Due to the impending bad weather, this event will take place indoors. There are still many volunteer spots that need to be filled to make this event a success. If you are able to commit to one of the tasks and /or shifts, please email Saya. Her contact information can be found in the BBQ email Mrs. Rennie sent out to all families today.
Today we had insect centers. During sharing Senna shared the answer to Eli's question from yesterday! She did extra research at home to find the answer:
Eli's question: Why do drone bees die after they mate with the queen?
Senna's answer:

After Senna shared her answer we discovered that we had even more questions. Lawrence wondered why the endophallus would fall off and what they were giving to the queen? We also noticed that this is similar to what happens when a bee stings and its stinger stays behind and causes the bee to die.
Ms. Boyer was really impressed that we were doing such a great job researching, listening to our classmates, and then asking questions based on what we had found. She said that is exactly how real scientists learn and do their research.
In math today we used the data we gathered from our insect surveys to make an insect pictograph. A pictograph is a graph where you use pictures to show your information instead of lines or towers.
This afternoon we had some finish up time. We had to make sure our pictographs were finished to earn free choice. Lots of us were very excited because we were allowed to go on the iPads for our free choice. After that we had gym. We played a new game called Hoop Hop Showdown! Ask me to explain this game.
After gym we worked on our portraits. Today we focused on our eyes, noses, and mouths. We are really excited to share them with you at Parent-Teacher conferences!!