Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Cooking day!

This morning we did 3 special stations. We rotated between the three stations with our class. The three stations were cooking, art, and recipe making. We cooked the potatoes we harvested into potato and corn chowder! At the art station, Mrs. Hamby taught us about still life painting and we started our sketches. At the recipe station we made our own copies of the corn and potato chowder recipe.

After recess, book time, and printing we got together with all the grade 1-2 classes. We came together to figure out our total vegetable count from our garden harvest. Here are our results:

This afternoon we had a special big buddy time. We started by practicing for the Terry Fox run by doing two big laps with our buddies and then we shared our soup with them! The soup was really good. It made our big buddies feel really special to be invited to share our soup! 

Please remember that tomorrow is our library day. Due to the scholastic book fair we will be returning our books but not signing out new ones. Instead, we will have a chance to preview the book fair. Parents and students are invited to purchase books from the book fair after school tomorrow or when they come for parent teacher conferences.