Today was Fresh Air Friday. Today we started our Entomology study. Entomology is the study of bugs and insects. Today we did 3 different activities. We observed the anthills in the Whispering Woods, we caught bugs in the Natureground, and we did some insect stations in the learning commons. Here are some of the things we discovered today:
Lawrence - If you disturb an anthill they move out of the anthill.
Leander - Some ants sleep 7 hours per day.
Aiden - Did you know that most grasshoppers have 5 eyes?
Liam - Did you know that ants have 6 legs, 3 body parts, and 2 eyes?
Nooray - Sometimes ants eat grass, but sometimes they don't.
Josie - Did you know that some ant colonies don't have a hill?
Taylor - When a grasshopper is picked up it spits a brown liquid that is commonly called "tobacco juice".
Inaya - I caught an ant in my bug jar
Lily - Worker bees are the smallest bees in the colony.
Kais - Dragon Flies are very fast.
Aadhya - Anthills are very big hills.
Karthik - Did you know that spiders have 8 legs?
Joachim - Did you know that spiders have an exoskeleton?
Senna - Did you know that queen bees are the largest bees?
Cedar - Did you know that once drone bees mate with the queen they die?
Jeffrey - Did you know that insects always have 6 legs?
Aksel - Did you know that ants work for 40 to 60 days?
Eli - Ants have burrows or tunnels like worms dig.

Have a great weekend!