Thursday, September 20, 2018

Zucchini day!

This morning we did three stations, just like yesterday. But today the stations were about zucchini. At Ms. Boyer's station we baked our zucchini bread. With Mrs. Armour we worked on our own zucchini bread recipes. With Mrs. Hamby we continued working on our still life paintings. These stations took a bit longer than yesterday and went for almost the whole morning.

After lunch we had our computer time where we went to and worked on some graphing and sorting games. Then we went outside for gym. In gym we practiced for the Terry Fox Run and then we got to eat our zucchini bread. Then it was time for library. Today we didn't take out new books. Instead we got to do some window shopping at the bookfair! After that we went to see Mr. O'Reilly for music. We are starting a musical research project.

Ms. Boyer is looking forward to seeing many of our Room 2 families today and tomorrow for parent teacher conferences. Have a great long weekend!