Today we had a special guest visit our classroom. Her name is Ms. Carpentier and she is an occupational therapist. She will be working in our school to help us learn some important skills that we need to become great learners. Sometimes she will work with our whole class and sometimes she will work with small groups of students to help with specific skills. Today she spoke to our class about something called "Whole Body Listening". Learning to listen with our whole bodies will make it easier for us to stay focused during group learning times and to hear and understand all the instructions we need to know for our work. Ms. Carpentier taught us that there are 8 ways that our body needs to listen.
Ask me to tell you the 8 ways my body needs to listen so I can do my best learning.
Today we also worked on our harvest graphs and got ready for our harvest mural picture graph. We also tallied up all the vegetables our class counted to get our class totals. Here is our class chart:

Tomorrow we will begin creating the mural and we will look forward to sharing it with you at parent teacher conferences.
If you have not already registered for conferences, please do so before Thursday.