Monday, January 7, 2019

First Day Back: Welcome to 2019

It was great to be back and see everyone again!

Today we started our day out by brainstorming ideas about what we got up to over the holidays and then go to writing!

We also started a new unit in gym, basketball. We focused on the dribbling skill today. When we were dribbling, we started with one-handed and then challenged ourselves to dribble alternating hands while walking and running. Then we did relay races dribbling the ball and pivoting with our feet. We also practiced not dropping the ball while dribbling and running. 

For our prairie poems, some of us started sketching our images on water color paper. These will be painted and then assembled into our final poetry books later on.

We also started a new job system in class - each table group gets points based on behavior. For example, points would be awarded for students who (1) are able to stay on task and avoid distractions, (2) volunteer to help out other classmates clean up or complete a task, (3) demonstrate respect for others and show whole-body listening, and (4) arrive to class on time. Each day we count the points by 1s, 2s, 5s or 10s for some extra math practice. The team that gets the highest points by the end of the day will be awarded free choice during job time the following day. 

A reminder: Special helper for tomorrow (Tuesday, Jan. 8) is Max. Please remember to bring your favorite stuffy, toy or action figure :)