Today we read with our big buddies and then they showed us videos and about outer space. Some of us got to create start constellations, such as Orion and the Big Dipper with them.
Then, to start off our new unit in science, we learned about temperature and thermometers. We learned that freezing temperature is 0 degrees Celsius and boiling temperature is 100 degrees Celsius. We learned how to record the temperature using a thermometer and then investigated different temperatures in our environment.
We started with indoor temperatures:

We started with indoor temperatures:
We got into groups of two or three,
and went on the "Temperature Hunt"!
To get an actuate temperature reading, we made sure to count to at least 120 before recording the temperature on the thermometer.
....we measured a cup of warm water...
...we measured the temperature of the mudroom near the recess doors...
...we measured the temperature of the mudroom near the front doors...
Then we went outdoors to record different temperatures:
..we measured the temperature in the middle of the Whispering Woods...
..we measured the temperature at the bottom of the Whispering Woods...
..we measured the temperature in front of the grade 6 doors...
..we measured the temperature in the snow on the nature grounds...
Afterwards we got together to compare all of our data. Here is what we found:
We realized there were inconsistencies in our results.
We decided that some of the recorded temperatures were outliers so we marked them in red. We think this may be due to errors in reading the thermometer or errors in the process of recording the temperature.
We came up with possible reasons for errors in "Indoor" data:
(1) holding the thermometer at the bulb where the red fluid is housed
(2) not waiting long enough for thermometer to read the temperature
(3) removing the temperature from the station (i.e. warm water or armpit) and allowing too much time to pass before getting the temperature reading off of the thermometer
But what about the outdoor data? Ask us about possible reasons why the "Outdoor" data had such varying temperatures recorded... Next week, we will share the ideas we came up with from home.
1. Special helper for next Monday (Jan 25) is: Leander. Please prepare to present about your special talent.
2. Next week we will have a special guest, Teddy Anderson, lead us through Hoop Dancing.
Family is welcome to watch the first day performance on Monday morning (Jan. 28, 2019: 9:00am - 9:45am) as well as the student performance on Thursday afternoon (Jan. 31, 2019: 1:30pm).
3. It would be great to have some parent volunteers (who have received their police clearance) come to help us during Hoop Dancing preparation for the following dates at times:
- Monday, Jan. 28, 2019 (Hoop Making): 11:00am -11:30am
- Tuesday, Jan. 29, 2019 (Hoop Dancing): 9:30am -10:00am AND 2:00pm - 2:30pm
- Wednesday, Jan. 30, 2019: 11:15am - 11:45 am