Thursday, January 10, 2019

Jan 10

Today we started reading "The New Land" by Marilynn Reynolds.  This helped us to gain more information about life on the prairies. We learned that in the past, people on the prairies had to live differently than us. For example they had to dig for water rather than turn on the tap; rather than having addresses, a marker was used to mark their land; people traveled on wagons pulled by oxen rather than riding in cars; and people built their own houses rather than buying a house that was already built.

For word-work, the grade 1s got to practice more "-at family" words by experimenting with putting different letters from the alphabet in front of the "-at". The grade 2s took all their "-ed" words and organized them into groups. We realized that there some patterns with words that end in "-ed" so we created some rules together to help ourselves remember:

During computers the grade 2s spent their time on Raz Kids while grade 1s practiced typing on Dance Mat Typing. Many of us still need practice with logging in and using these sites, so for homework please try to do the following a few times over the next week:

  • Grade 1: Find and open a browser window (i.e. Chrome), type into the search bar "Dance Mat Typing" and select BBC Bitesize - Dance Mat Typing (or use this link: ). Practice typing.
  • Grade 2: Find and open a browser window (i.e. Chrome), type into the search bar "raz kids login" and select Kids AZ: Kids LoginKids (or use this link Login (mboyer19), find your student name, enter password (students should know this - hint: animal).
In gym class, we learned about jump shots. We learned that we should keep our feet shoulder width apart, bend our knees and square our shoulders. Then, we make a leap upwards and release the ball by keeping our elbows straight and flicking our wrists to provide the ball with momentum and speed! This was difficult at first as most of us are more familiar with tossing a ball, so it took us some rounds of practice. We then combined our jump shots with dribbling drills and then tried in group relay races! This was a lot of fun because we were all cheering each other on.


1. Special helper for next Monday (Monday, Jan. 14) is Leander. Please remember to bring your favorite stuffy, toy or action figure :)

2. Deadline to Fun Lunch is tomorrow, Friday, January 11 at 11:59 pm.  You can order online at  

3. We are still looking for many volunteers to help distribute lunches and supervise the students while they are eating. If you have an approved police clearance, and are able to volunteer, please sign up via Sign Up Genius.  Thank you!