Monday, January 14, 2019

Jan 14

Today, after journaling about the weekend, we finished reading The New Land. We learned that to keep houses warm the people on the prairies used sod. Also, the people immigrated to Canada from Europe. The travelled via ship and train to get to the prairies. These people would build fire guards to protect their houses from prairie fires. Finally, farmers would attach ropes from their houses to their barns so that they could find their way to the barn in case of a snowstorms. 

For word work, the grade 1s learned about the "-an Word Family" and we brainstormed a list of different "-an" words. The grade 2s were continuing on their "-ed Endings" hunt, but were looking for words that did not fit into the categories from last class (such as "spent" rather than "spend-ed").

In gym we learned how to "steal" and guard our basketballs from opponents. We practiced with a partner and tried to keep our basketballs away but had to keep one foot stuck on the ground. This was fun because we had been practicing pivoting on one foot last week, and it was very useful for today.

1. Special helper for tomorrow (Tuesday, Jan. 15) is Maeve. Please remember to bring your favorite stuffy, toy or action figure :)