Friday, January 11, 2019

Jan 11. Fresh Air Friday - 5 Senses

Today we started our day with our big buddies!
We were reading with them in the learning commons.
After some reading, we invited them to our class to show them our centers and play games.

Afterwards, we learned about the 5 senses and why they are important. For example, the sense of smell can help animals survive by helping them find food or smell predators nearby. If you are missing one of these senses, the other senses have to compensate by working harder.

Then, we read a story called "The Listening Walk" where the main character goes on a walk and uses her senses to notice what is in nature. On a Listening Walk she turns her voice off, and pays attention to the different sounds on her walk.

We used this idea to put our senses to the test on today's Fresh Air Friday.

 We found our own spaces to sit and use our senses.

 We documented the different things we were able to see, smell, feel, taste and hear.

Sometimes it was difficult to find the descriptive words that would convey what our senses were detecting.

But we tried our best to really pay attention to what was happening around us.

We then took our notes and shared them in class. By complying everyone's notes we were able to have lists of descriptive words that we can now use when writing poems about nature during literacy centers next week.

1. Special helper for next Monday (Monday, Jan. 14) is Leader. Please remember to bring your favorite stuffy, toy or action figure :)

2. Deadline for Fun Lunch is tonight at 11:59 pm. You can order online at  

3. We are still looking for many volunteers to help distribute lunches and supervise the students while they are eating. If you have an approved police clearance, and are able to volunteer, please sign up via Sign Up Genius.  Thank you!