Today was Fresh Air Friday. Before we went outside we worked to finish up our suitcases for our Churchill project. While we were working some of us went to help Mrs. Smith plant daffodil bulbs and crocus bulbs that Ashton's family gave to us.

Then we started our outside time by playing camouflage in the Whispering Woods. In camouflage Mrs. Hamby was the predator and the rest of us were the prey. We had to hide and hope that Mrs. Hamby couldn't see us. If she did, we were caught and we had to go to the path. Some people found really good hiding spots and Mrs. Hamby wasn't able to find them.
After that we had our snack break inside and then we did some sketching of Whispering Woods. When we were sketching we got to choose our perspective by deciding if we wanted to sit at the top of the hill or the bottom of the hill.

- We are hoping to begin our home reading next week. If you are able to volunteer please add your name to the home reading google calendar. This program is extremely valuable for our students but can only run with parent support.
- Please remember that Monday is photo day.
- Please remember that Tuesday is treat day hosted by our class!
Our helper on Monday is: Lily