Today we got a new class pet. It is part of an experiment to see if we can grow tomatoes using a hydroponic system. The system was created by a student at CJP named George and he has given it to our classroom to try for the year. The fish waste gets sucked up by a pump and put into the container with the tomatoes. Then, the tomatoes roots and rocks filter the water and it gets put back into the fish tank. Sadly, at the end of the day we noticed that one fish is looking sick. We are hoping that the rest of the fish will be ok.
Today we also had student teachers come to visit our classroom. They will be here observing all week.
In math we did some computer work. We started by making 2 log-in cards. One is staying at school and another one is coming home so that we can log in to Mathletics and raz-kids at home. After our cards were ready we worked on the patterns section of Mathletics.
After lunch we started working on our good copy watercolour painting for our Churchill, Manitoba tourist folders. Then we had gym. In gym, it was our last day of hula hoops. We did some tricks and then we did a relay race. After that we did some journal sharing. We made sure the people who did not get to share last time got a turn this time. Then the rest of us did knee-to-knee sharing. A few people are bringing home their journals to finish.
Tomorrow our helper is: Tessa
Tomorrow our helper is: Tessa