- Bring something to share that matches our category.
- Stand at the front of our lines.
- Sit on the special helper stools.
- Help the teachers with special jobs.
- Take the attendance to the office.
- Lead the gym warm-up.
- Pick the helper for the next day.
For this round, our category for sharing is "Special Talent". If you have a talent you can't bring to school (like playing the piano, or skating) you are invited take a short video of your talent and email it to Ms. Boyer.
In math, we did a sorting challenge. We took our outdoor collection and had to figure out how to sort it into 4, 3, and 2 groups. It was more challenging to find a common attribute to sort with when we had to sort into fewer groups. We had to be very thoughtful about the attributes that our different objects had in common.
![]() |
Original Sort |
4 Groups |
3 Groups |
2 Groups |
This afternoon we continued working on our cover pages for our recipe books and got two new recipes to decorate. We got recipes for the beet chips and for green bean fries. We will be doing a little bit more cooking this week and then putting our recipe books together.
Tomorrow our helper is: Ibrahim