Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Arctic History

This morning we did guided reading and centers. Mr. O was here with us for the morning because Ms. Boyer had to do a special job for Mrs. Polski. He did guided reading with Ms. Boyer's groups. After that we continued typing our Whispering Woods Writing. 15 of us have our writing all finished. The rest of us will finish tomorrow.

After recess we had wordwork. The grade 2's worked on finishing an activity for long"e" words. The grade 1's practiced words in the -ame family. We are learning about the magic 'e' that mades vowels say their long sounds. Then we did our pattern check. When you are done your pattern check you can work on finishing your pattern-palooza and then Mathletics. We have a new bar to work on in mathletics that is about counting patterns.

After lunch we kept working on our arctic study. We started working on our history books about the Inuit. We started making the transportation pieces to put in our book. Earlier in the day Ms. Boyer asked Peter to start his book because he is really talented at paper art. We used Peter's example to help us understand how to make our own pieces.
An Inuit Kayak
By Peter
Then it was library time. Most of us remembered our books. If you are having trouble remembering your books please remember that we always have library on Wednesdays but books can come back any day of the week.

Our helper tomorrow is: Jasper