Monday, November 21, 2016

Target Day!

This morning we had a surprise when we arrived at school. Our desks were moved to new spots! Ask me about my new neighbors.

In journals Ms. Boyer and Mrs. Hamby introduced our journal target. We had talked about the expectations before but today we got to see it as a target. We each glued one into our journals so that we can keep looking at our writing to see if we are moving towards the center of the target.

In math we started working on our Pattern Check. Ms. Boyer reminded us about the requirements and also got us to glue the target for this project into our books. It was a big day for targets!

This afternoon we worked on finishing our arctic folders by gluing on our arctic landscape paintings. Then we went with a buddy and typed up a title on the computer. We learned how to change the size of the writing and how to pick a fancy font.

In gym we stayed inside. We practiced our basketball skills. We worked on trying to dribble with one hand rather than two. We also practiced shooting and passing.

At the end of the day we got to choose a new category for helper sharing. The new category is: Something you made. When it is your turn to be the helper please remember to bring sharing that fits in that category.

Please remember that tomorrow is Twin Day and Treat Day! 

Our helper tomorrow is: Isabel