Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Learning about estimating

This morning we continued our Whispering Woods writing. We started our "I smell..." ideas. Then, in math we started learning about estimating. We used a number line to keep track of our estimates and tried to estimate how many poker chips were in a container. Each time we made an estimate Ms. Boyer would tell us if the correct number was higher or lower and then we would make another estimate using that new information. We recorded our guesses on a number line until we figured out the exact number. The number was 41.

This afternoon we started by hearing more about Ms. Boyer's trip. We learned that polar bears hunt seals by waiting at the seal's breathing hole. They wait for seals to come up out of the holes and then they reach in and grab them. In order to do this polar bears have to have long necks and narrow heads. Then we finished our arctic landscapes. If you were finished you were able to work on an iPad. Then we had library. If you forgot your books please bring them back tomorrow. In gym we had a choice to do skipping tricks or hula hoop tricks.

Tomorrow the helper is: Reid