Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Learning to Self-Reflect

Today we started our day as usual with guided reading and centers. This is our first week of some new center choices. Ask me about the new centers. After that, we continued working on our Whispering Woods writing. We are trying to finish our good copies on the computer.

After recess we had word work time. The grade 1's worked on the -um word family. The grade 2's worked on finishing up work in their wordwork book and then had a chance to play some long vowel games. Then it was time to work on our pattern check. A few of us were able to finish but most of us need a few more days. Before we started working we took another look at our target and talked about trying to do a self-reflection (or self-assessment) of our own work using the target. This means looking at our own work and trying to decide where we would be on the target. Then we try to decide what we need to do to move closer to the center of the target. This is sort of a tricky thing to do, but we are getting better at it with practice and by looking at our work with Ms. Boyer.

After lunch we spent a little bit more time working in our groups to brainstorm types of transportation that are used in the arctic. We started this job yesterday when Ms. Boyer was at her afternoon meeting but we needed some extra time to finish. Then we all came together and made a group list of types of transportation. We put the transportation into 3 categories: Land, Water, and Air. Here is our list:
Ask me why some items have an * in front of them.
Please remember to register for parent-teacher conferences if you haven't done so already. 

Our helper tomorrow is: Katie