After recess the grade 2's did solo booktime and the grade 1's worked on creating a word wheel for words in the "-ump" family. Then we had our computer time. We went to Mathletics and tried to finish up the patterns section. Many of our grade 2 friends are finding the number patterns particularly challenging.
This afternoon we worked on our animal research. Most of us are about half done. Lots of us are still trying to find our interesting facts.
Today was our first day of basketball in gym. We worked on dribbling and bounce passes.
After gym we worked to finish our journals. People who were already finished got to play word games on the computers.
We are collecting donations for the Veteran's Food Bank. Thank you to those people who have already donated. We are also collecting small donations (1 or 2$) for poppy's this week. All students will be given a poppy on Thursday as part of our Remembrance Day assembly.
We did not have a home reading parent today. If you are able to volunteer please sign up on the home reading calendar. If you need help doing this please speak to our room parent, Marie.
Our helper tomorrow is: Morgan