- Science: today we were introduced to our next unit about floating and sinking. We started by reading a story, What Floats in a Moat. We brainstormed the different resourced on the land that could be used for making a canoe: wood from trees, animal skin, sap, twigs and so on. Afterwards we went outside to collect various items from the Whispering Woods to see if they would sink or float.

We recorded our prediction on a table then tested them on water.
Here were our findings:
- Things that float: leaves, bark, grass, thorns, feathers, wood/wood chips, twigs, plants, dead crocus, tree buds, fuzz things, flower, pine cones, wheat, plastic wrapper, willow, dandelion, rose hips, flower petals, peanut shell
- Things that sink: plastic chunks, rocks, chunk of old compound, dirt, pencil, bark, gravel,
We think the things floated or sank depending on how light or heavy they were. We think the things that floated were light weight. The things that sank were heavy or the water got into it and made it sink and separate (i.e. dirt).
1. Special Helper for Monday is : Maeve (favorite game)
2. We are swimming again next Monday - room 2 will be in the afternoon (swimming lessons are from 2:20pm-3pm -- parent volunteers who have signed up for swimming please remember to arrive around 2 pm)
- students please remember to pack:
- an extra snack - as you may be hungry after swimming lessons
- proper walking shoes - to walk to and from the pool
- plastic bag - for wet swimsuit and towel after swimming
- underwear - if you are wearing your swimsuit to school