- Social Studies: we worked with Ms. Twila from Teacher's Pet Educational Services. She came to visit us to teach us about what life if like in Acadia. Some of the stuff that we did included were:
- making butter
- dancing
- painting the light houses
- playing Acadia bingo
- brushing the wool
- charades - acting out chores that people in the past did
- "The Rock" game - there is a big rock and a tiny rock on top, the goal of the game is to knock the tiny rock off the big rock by throwing another rock at it (we used bean bags because it is safer)
- spoons
- We also learned that it's very tough growing up in Acadia because children had to help their parents with chores: feeding the chickens and cows, sweep the stables, planting the seeds, getting water from the well, picking the vegetables, cutting the firewood, getting the eggs from the chickens, cooking over the fire. Finally, we learned how to say "thank you" in french: "merci beaucoup!"

- Computers: we did some research about Acadia and learned a few things about this community
- there were a lot of farmers and fishers
- it is near the Atlantic Ocean
- the Acadian people settled in the places which are now the Maritime provinces such as Nova Scotia and New Brunswick
- The Acadian people were forced out by the British (Expulsion)
- Colors of the flag are: blue, white, and red - with a yellow star
- Acadian people were a French colony that settled in North America ("New France")
- Two languages: French and English
- lots of sports
- Word Work: grade 1s continued on with their work with "op-family" words while the grade 2s had another chance to put their understanding of nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs to practice by completing another mad-libs in pairs.
1. Special Helper for next Monday is : Leander (favorite game)
2. Family Dance is tomorrow from 6pm - 8pm