Friday, May 31, 2019

May 31


  • Since the air was full of smoke, we stayed inside today.  We met with our big buddies in the morning to share our Arctic Story Map
  • Then we finished our Bluenose Schooner painting

  • Finally we started our boat building by making a boat that had stability
    • we started with a cork boat that had a sail
Unfortunately it tipped over and the sail side fell into the water. 
    • Then we added a keel (which was made out of plasticine to the bottom of the cork boat) 

This time it floated upright 

  • we learned that the keel add weight to the bottom of the boat to counterbalance  the weight of the boat and sail 
Interestingly though, some of the keel boats did not work - they still tipped over. We think this was because the keels were crooked when they were attached. But, when we attached the keel closer to the cork base it was able to stand upright because it was more balanced.

  • Reminders:
1. Special Helper for next Monday is Eli (favorite sport or hobby)