Wednesday, May 29, 2019

May 29

  • In Math: students who went to the portables worked in pairs to create numbers using hundreds blocks, tens blocks, and ones blocks.  Students who went to room 1 used dominos to play a game with a partner where you build a clock by flipping over the dominos and calculating the sum on the domino - whoever finishes the clock first wins. Students who stayed in room 2 learned about "equal to", "not equal to", "greater than", and "less than" and used individual white boards to draw these symbols to the images of base ten blocks and numbers that were shown on the smartboard.
  • Social Studies: we started our pamphlets for Nova Scotia - we are imagining that we are marketers and we are trying to attract tourists to Nova Scotia. We are including various facts and information about Nova Scotia such as: food, music, weather, activities, attractions to see/visit, and reminders.
  • In Gym: we had fitness centers outside to enjoy the sun! One fitness center was on the playground, climbing up the various ladders and then slid down the slide, then repeated this in order to exercise our leg muscles. Another center was monkey bars and bench push-up to exercise our arm muscles. We also did skipping ropes to for some cardio exercise. Another center was lunges and running. The last center was making skipping and hopping patters on the hoops.  
1. Special Helper for Tomorrow is Aiden (favorite sport or hobby)
2. Please remember to bring in boat making supplies by Friday (we will be building boats on Friday)