- Math: the students who went to the portables worked on number families - finding the addition sentences with sums from 1-10. The students from room 1 worked with blocks to create number sentences that added to a given sum. The students who stayed in room 2 worked on near doubles (i.e. __+__= 5 ... the answer would be 2+3=5) which added onto the skills of doubles facts.
- Word Work: the grade 2s worked on sentence dictation while the grade 1s did independent reading.
- English Language Arts: we learned about how to make a story map. We read a couple of stories and had discussions about how to start stories with an opening sentence, how to describe the setting and characters, the purpose of a "kickoff", problem and events before creating an ending. We will be creating Arctic stories soon!

1. Special Helper for tomorrow is : Aiden (favorite game)
2. no swimming tomorrow
3. Volunteer Tea from 2-330pm
4. Our next field trip will be on May 22 - we will be going to the Glenbow Museum - please return forms by Thursday, May 16th.
Parents with police clearance who are available to volunteer on this trip may email Mrs. Yoon.