Tuesday, May 28, 2019

May 28

  • This morning we started the day with a Coffin Cares Assembly and we learned:
    • not to put trash on the ground or in the wrong bins!
    • the grade 3/4 Green Team discovered that there were LOTS of one-use-snack wrappers and plastic ziplock bags on the field!!!
    • to help out we should pick up things that are littered (unless they look dangerous, like needles, syringes, and other suspicious items) and dispose of them properly even if they did not come from us
  • In Math: students who went to the portables used base-10 blocks and worked in pairs to create numbers (from 1-100) that were given. Students who went to room 1 continued to finish up their doubles-facts flip-books. Students who stayed in room 2 learned about grouping to the hundreds place. 
  • For word work we worked on editing our journal entries from Monday 
1. Special Helper for Tomorrow is Kais (favorite game)
2. Those students who chose to take home their Arctic Story Maps - must remember to return it tomorrow!
3. Some students have decided to take their journals home - please remember to bring them back tomorrow!