This morning we started with a special journal entry all about friendship. We read some stories and brainstormed qualities that good friends have. Then we used some sentence starters to write about the ways that we are good friends and the qualities we look for when we are making friends. Here is the chart of ideas that we brainstormed together:

After that we had our Coffin Cares Assembly. We recognized people in our class and in our school who are doing a great job showing respect for themselves, respect for others, and respect for our environment.
In math we started a new group challenge (working well in a team is another way of being a good friend). Our challenge is to create a life-sized cutout of the animal we are studying. Today we got together in our groups and had to look up our animal's size on the computers. Tomorrow we will begin measuring to create our animals.
This afternoon we started with snowshoeing! Our big buddies helped us put on our snowshoes and walked with us. Walking in all that snow was a lot of work, even in snowshoes. Some of us were very sweaty by the time we made it back to the school.

After snowshoeing we worked on finishing up our animal art and our journals. Then we had a story and watched a little bit of the olympics before we went home.
Our helper tomorrow is: Dhvani
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