Monday, February 5, 2018


Good afternoon,

This morning we started with journals. We began by looking at our journal entries from last week and comparing them to our journal target. Then we each tried to make a goal for ourselves for today. Ask me what goal I made for journals today. 

In math we worked on our pattern reflection pages. We are making two pages. One is about repeating patterns and one is about growing patterns. For each page we need to explain what the type of patterns means and give 5 examples of those patterns.  Ask me to explain the difference between repeating patterns and growing patterns. 

In the afternoon we did our animal art project. Today some of us started ripping little pieces of paper to create the animal fur.  Ask me which animal I have decided to research. Ask me why I have chosen that animal. 

In gym today was our first day of yoga! We started by learning the rules of yoga. Rule 1: Yoga is silent and peaceful. Rule 2: Stay focused on your own practice, not on other people. Rule 3: The mats always stay flat on the ground. After we learned the rules we tried some poses.  We did a tabletop pose, did elevator breathing, python pose, downward dog, and sunrise/sunset pose.  At the end we finished with a cooked spaghetti pose where we had to lie very still and relax our muscles. When we were relaxing the teacher came around and checked that our legs were relaxed and wiggly like cooked spaghetti.

Our helper tomorrow is: Addison