After that we worked on a new piece of friendship writing: Thank you cards! We made cards for our big buddies to thank them for taking us snowshoeing yesterday and for all the other things they help us with. Those of us who finished the writing worked to add a fancy title and decorations. We will finish these cards tomorrow morning and deliver them to our buddies.
After recess and after lunch we worked on our life-sized animal projects. Yesterday we went on the computers to find out the dimensions of our animals. We had to find the dimensions in inches, which was very strange because we know that in Canada we usually us centimeters. But, there was a good reason. It turns out that the grid paper we are using to draw our animals has 1inch sized squares on it. So, knowing our animal dimensions in inches made it much easier to measure and draw accurately. Some groups were able to finish their animals this morning because their animals were quite small, other groups needed to continue in the afternoon because their animals are large. You should see the moose!
After we finished our animal project time in the afternoon we had Yoga. Then we went to music.
Please remember that tomorrow is our friendship party. We will start the party with a few games after lunch and then we will pass out our Valentines. If you are planning to bring any treats for the class feel free to do so, but please don't feel any pressure to bring anything.