Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Feb 12

Today we read the book "My Name is Yoon" by Helen Recorvits. We learned from this book how important it is to be open-minded and proud of our individual identities. Also, we learned from the story that there are many situations when people can feel alone - even if they are in a room full of other people. Moving to a new country, going to a new school, or entering a new class can be challenging because you would have to meet new and different people. So, it is very important to show kindness and be welcoming to others because they might be needing a friend. As a class, we brainstormed different ways we can show kindness and friendship - in the classroom and beyond. We hope to make everyone in our classroom feel safe and welcome when they come to school.

Then for science, we created diagrams for the science experiment with Water in Winter. We made sure to draw images with labels for each step of the experiment so that if someone else wants to try the experiment they would know exactly how to do so. Here are a couple of diagrams from the class:

We also practiced various routines on the benches, beams and trestles for gymnastics. Each group was mindful of the safety rules and helped each other to be safe during gymnastic centers. Here are a few images from today:

we made sure to remind our group members to avoid touching the metal hinges at the top of the trestle

only 1 person was allowed on the equipment at a time - the rest of us practiced various warm ups and exercises on the mats while waiting for our turn

we had obstacles and routines to challenge our balance and walking

we had different group members stationed around the bench center for safety support and encouragement

sometimes a helping hand was necessary for balance


1. Tomorrow's special helper is Inaya - please prepare to share about your special talent
2. Tomorrow is spirit day -the theme is unicorn