Then in word work the grade 1s were introduced to the "-ack Family" words. Here is a list that we were able to come up with today.

Meanwhile, since grade 2s completed the "-ing Endings" chart, they moved on to independent reading.
Continue practicing "-ing Endings" and "-ack" words at home to help enhance reading and writing.
For science we continued on with our investigation of temperatures. We learned about different temperatures and then, in our table groups, plotted them on a temperature line. Then we played a game of "__ is hotter than __" and "__ is colder than ___".
Afterwards, we were introduced to the science experiment we will be doing this week. Each of us made a hypothesis based on the question "What will happen to warm water, with food coloring, when placed outside in winter?" We are planning on doing this experiment on Wednesday.
Reminders:1. Please remember to bring in a plastic container (i.e. large yogurt container) for our science experiment by Wednesday.
2. Special helper for tomorrow is Lily - please prepare to share about your special talent.
3. If you brought home your journal for homework, please remember to bring it back to school tomorrow.