Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Feb 19 - Kinder 100 & Science Observation 1

Today we finished our journal writing then went to the Kinder 100 showcase. The students in Kindergarten had created projects showing their knowledge of numbers up to 100. We asked them questions about their projects and provided some feedback.

Then in math we practiced our knowledge of numbers to 100 and counting patters (2s, 5s, and 10s) by playing a game of "Race to 100". We will have this math game available for our math night this Thursday.

We also had the opportunity to go outside and make observations of our ice village. Here is what it looks like:

We noticed the following things:

  • snow covered the ice village
  • the color of some ice blocks got lighter
  • it was sunny outside with a light breeze
  • it was 0 degrees celsius outside
Then, in gym we were able to use the climbers. A few more safety rules are:

  • always have 3 points of contact when climbing on the climbers 
  • when doing inversions we always have to keep both hands on the bar 
  • when jumping of the box horse our heads must be pointed to the ceiling at all times.
1. Special helper for tomorrow is Senna - please prepare to share about your special talent
2. Fun Lunch is tomorrow
3. Math evening is Thursday 6pm
4. Clay for kids is Thursday 10:45 -11:15am (parent volunteers with security clearance are welcome to join us and help out)