We started by sketching a plan and then laying down a large piece of glass. Then we used black glass shards to create the Inuksuk.

Then we added layers of other colors to fill in the background sky and land.

Each of us created an Inuksuk but they all came out very different and beautiful.
We also spent some time continuing to build our math board games and those of us that finished played the math games from math night.
In gym we played a cooperative game of caterpillar race! It took a lot of coordination and teamwork to play. Ask us how we played it.
Finally, we created thank-you cards for our big buddies for all of the work they did last Fresh Air Friday.
1. Special helper tomorrow is Cedar - please prepare to share about your special talent
2. Coffin Cares Assembly tomorrow - please wear a pink, red, yellow or orange colored t-shirt OR your coffin shirt.