During word work we learned about vowel pairings - sometimes when there are 2 vowels together, they make the "long" vowel sound of the first vowel.
The vowel pairings we learned about are: "ai / au", "ea", "ie" and "oa / oe" - the grade 2s put together a table of these sounds and will be going on a "word hunt" for these vowel pairings this week. Meanwhile, the grade 1s practiced printing words from the "-ack" family.
We also began our gymnastics unit in gym. First we learned about safety - for example, we must avoid wearing clothing that is too baggy or loose, no hoodies allowed, long hair tied up and accessories/hats put away, and only one person on the mat/equipment at a time. We are starting with mats this week so we were practicing how to do various stances, walks and rolls.
1. Tomorrow we will be starting our science experiment so please remember to bring in a plastic container (i.e. large yogurt container).
2. Special helper for tomorrow is Nooray - please prepare to share about your special talent.