Monday, February 25, 2019

Feb 25

Today the class had the pleasure of having guest teacher, Mrs. Bigelow, in for the morning. After the morning routine of journal writing and guided reading the grade 1s were introduced to "it"-family words while the grade 2s had independent book time. The class also got to work on their math board games.

In the afternoon, Mrs. Yoon returned and we had some relay races that were inspired by the arctic games. We tried out the seal crawl race on the gym floor - this was easier than in the snow like we did last Friday. We also took out scooters to use leg strength. Finally we ended with some yoga and stretching.

We also ventured outside to check out our ice village. To our surprise, it was completely covered in snow! We think this is because of the strong windy weather over the weekend - it has covered our ice village. We took note of the temperature and environmental conditions: it was -17 degrees celsius, there was more wind and less sunlight. We used our mittens to gently brush off the snow and make observations. We did not noticed any obvious melting, but some ice blocks were missing. We suspect that they were either removed by mystery people or they are buried deep in the show.

Reminders for tomorrow:
1. Special helper for tomorrow is Enxin
2. Clay for Kids is tomorrow
3. Treat Day is Tomorrow