We started by adding food coloring to warm water in the morning.
We made the hypothesis that the water would get colder and eventually freeze. We also made predictions about the color - four different predictions came up:
(1) color would change into a different color
(2) color would stay the same
(3) color would turn lighter
(4) color would turn darker
After taking the first temperature reading from indoors, we placed the containers outside.

At three other times throughout the day, we went outside to take the temperature of the water.
Each table group gathered their results - here are a couple of examples:
As a class, we gathered all of our data together and then viewed them as a bar graph. We realized that all the water samples got colder, but throughout the day different things happened to each group's water temperature.

We think the temperature got colder when it was placed outside because the heat in the water escaped into the air outside where it was colder. But for some groups the temperature got warmer later in the day. To explain this, we came to the conclusion that the outside temperature got warmer in the afternoon because of the sun, which made the temperature of the water get warmer too.
We also noticed that some groups had very different temperature readings. We think this is because of the following possible reasons:
(1) error in recording or thermometer
(2) where the water was placed outside - exposure to sunlight
(3) if the cup was placed in the middle of the other cups or closer to the wall it was warmer
Once the water is frozen, we will be creating an Ice Village!
Tomorrow's special helper is Lawrence, please prepare to share your special talent with the class.